Project: Illustrated Book
Class: Publication Design
Much like the Mindless illustrations, I accomplished this book by sketching out ideas and then drawing over them with a Micron pen. In the final step, I scanned the refined drawings onto my Mac where I perfected the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator.


Letter A

Letter B

Letter C

Letter G

Letter H

Letter J

Letter K

Letter L
My creative process is usually done in three steps. I start by drawing random doodles on a sketchbook or notebook paper with any pen or pencil. I then trace the original sketch with a light pencil to determine what lines I want to keep and then draw over the pencil with a fine sharpie marker. In the final step, I will scan the refined drawing into my computer and redraw it perfectly in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. In this project's case, I used Illustrator.